Final Seniority list of Teachers of School Edu. Department District Cadre Kishtwar as on 29-08-2022
Whereas, a tentative seniority list of Teachers working in School Education Department District Cadre Kishtwar, was drawn vide this office No.CEO/K/2021/2695 Dated:- 28-12-2021 and thereafter the Director School
Education Jammu also uploaded the seniority list of Teachers of Jammu Division on the Officials website of Director School Education, Jammu www.scheduiammu.nic.in for the purpose of inviting objections, if any from the
concerned within a period of 21 days from the issuance of notice, online link available (www.schedujammu.nic.in ) and SARAL app as per Annexure “A” to “J” with the direction after the expiry of the said period, no objection shall
be entertained vide letter No DSEJ/Non-Gaz/Seniority/47837-55 Dated:- 28-02-2002 and forwarded by u/s vide letter No CEO/K/2022/8308-95 dated 04-03-2022 for calling objection thereof, if any within a period of 21 days
through ZEOs and concerned DDOs; and
Whereas 49 teachers have submitted their objection through google form which were received by this Office from Director School Education Jammu for their redressal.
Whereas, these objections were forwarded to the concerned DDO’s for verification and submission of the authenticated data and after receipt of the same, necessary corrections /addition has been made in the seniority list
of Teachers.
Whereas, in order to finalize the seniority of Teachers of District Cadre, Kishtwar as on 30-06-2022 the Updated Seniority list of Teachers of District Cadre, Kishtwar was issued/circulated vide this office No.CEO/K/NG/2022/9363-9452 Dated.07-07-2022 for inviting objections from the concerned officials within 07 days from date of issuance of the notice; and
Whereas, the Seniority list of the Teachers is required to be updated by excluding the names of those officials, who have either been promoted to the next higher post substantively or have retired on superannuation,
and by including those who have been appointed by way of direct recruitment or promotion: and
Whereas, after the issuance of Updated Seniority List of Teachers, the department has received representations of all stake holders of School Education Department District Kishtwar ( DDOs.ZEOs & Incumbents )
for Inclusion / Correction of their service particulars in the final seniority list of Teachers as on 29-08-2022 working in different educational institutions/office of District Kishtwar forming Annexure “A” to this office order, is hereby
issued/circulated and is also uploaded on the official website of Director School Education Jammu (www.schedujammu.nic.in) for information of the concerned officials; and
Whereas, in such cases where corrections were required to be made to make these consistent with rules, necessary corrections have been incorporated; and
Whereas, after incorporating additions and alternations wherever necessary, final seniority lists of Teachers have been drawn by this office.
Final Seniority list of Teachers of School Edu. Department District Cadre Kishtwar as on 29-08-2022
In case any official feels aggrieved with the position assigned to him/her in a seniority list annexed with this order as Annexure “A” he/she may file a review petition as per the relevant provisions of the Jammu and Kashmir
civil Services (Classification Control and Appeal) Rules 1956. the review petitions, if any containing facts, as have not been considered or as have come to light now and which have a material bearing on the issue of determination
of seniority should reach to this office within a period of seven days from the date of uploading of this order in the official website falling which the above seniority list shall be deemed to have attained finality.
The date of birth(s) as well as category certificate(s) recorded/indicated against the official in the final seniority shall not be taken as authentic and shall be subject to the verification from service Book(s) matriculation
Certificated /other relevant records as prescribed under norms.
This shall be however without prejudice to the outcome of writ petitions, if any, pending in any court of law.
The final seniority list of Teacher is also available on the official website of the District Kishtwar (kishtwar.nic.in) for information of stakeholders.