From the Kishtwar town, Mandal and Chowgan, a splendid view of a waterfall on the western side, falling down the gorges of the mountains can be seen. This waterfall is a seasonal one hence you will not be able to see this whole year flowing down. When the snow at its higher reaches melts or in the rainy season, plenty of water is added to it, its roar can be heard at Kishtwar, an air-distance of about one-two kilometers.
European traveler, Fredric Drew writes about this waterfall, By going some way down the slope, we get a fair sight of it though at a distance of a mile or more. The water comes down not in one but many jumps. The aggregate height of the falls within view is about 2500 feet and above. There are a few hundred feet more which can be seen from other points. The first two falls are about 500 feet, there are conspicuous from the town. Below them, two or three small ones, making of 600-700 feet more. Then there are irregular drops or cascades partly hidden by vegetation. These all measure about 2500 feet.
In this waterfall, there is every variety of movement. In the greater leaps, the water is in great volume and its roar can be heard at a distance of 2-3kms. Then it scatters into spray, again it collects and comes over the next lodge in a thick stream; in parts, it divides into various lines which at a distance seen vertical immovable white threads.
In the morning sun, the spray made in the greater leaps shows prismatic colors even from a distance-a phenomenon attributed by the locals to fairies who bathe and display the strange hues of their bodies through the showers. To see the waterfall in its full play, the tourists are advised to visit Kishtwar during spring or the rainy season and enjoy the natural beauty it reveals to the beholders.