DDC Kishtwar presides over the weekly block Diwas Programme at Nagseni
Issued direction to the concerned Deptt to submit the works to be taken under LADP plan under approved R&R plan of KIRU HEPP in consultation with the concerned PRI’s
Kishtwar, 29 June 2022.
With an to redress the grievances of people at their door step, district administration Kishtwar today conducted Weekly block Diwas programmes at various designated places of district Kishtwar.
A mega weekly block divas programme was organised here at the block headquarter Nagseni under the chairmanship of District Development Commissioner (DDC) Kishtwar,Ashok Sharma.
Chairperson Block Development Council Nagseni Mohammad Ashraf Choudhary; DDC councilor Nagseni, Faisal Hussain Choudhary; ACD Atul Dutt Sharma; Tehsildar Nagseni Majid Jehangir, BDO Nagseni Sheetal besides district officers and XEns were present on the occasion.
During the programme, the PRIs demanded up-gradation of local infrastructure and better deliverance of public services including water and power supply and road connectivity.
After giving a patient hearing, the DDC redressed many grievances on the spot and directed the heads of concerned departments to make personal interventions to redress the grievances promptly.
District Development Commissioner Kishtwar further directed tehsildar and BDO Nagseni to take periodical review of the grievances raised by the public for effective and accountable monitoring of the deliverance system.
Regarding implementation of Local Area Development Plan (LADP) DDC Kishtwar apprised the locals and the PRIs about the component wise works to be taken in the project affected area and for the project affected families and directed the concerned executing Departments to submit the works to be taken under LADP plan under approved R&R plan of KIRU HEPP in consultation with the concerned PRI’s immediately.
He further appealed local project affected youth to come forward for ongoing skill enhancement programme to harness their potential for Employement in HEPPs.
During the outreach programme, DDC also exhorted upon the officers and the field functionaries of the departments to deliver services with utmost dedication so that the delivery mechanism is run in a hassle free manner.
Similar, Block Diwas programme was conducted at Atholi Paddar under the chairmanship of SDM Paddar Dr. Rishi Kumar Sharma in presence of BDC chairperson paddar Arpan Singh Rana wherein scores of issues raised by local PRIs were redressed on the spot.