AHD Kishtwar organized an Awareness cum Treatment Camp Under SCA to SCSP at Village Gulab Garh
Continuing its effort of providing doorstep veterinary facilities to farmers particularly in far-flung areas the Department of Animal Husbandry Kishtwar organized an Awareness cum Treatment Camp Under SCA to SCSP (Special Central Assistance to Schedule Caste Sub Plan) at Village Gulabgarh of Block Padder. A large number of animal breeders, the general public, and PRIs of the area participated in this camp. Chief Animal Husbandry Officer Kishtwar Dr. Sanjay Kumar Sen was the main campaigner of the event accompanied by Veterinary officers of the area.
The District Development Council, Councilor Hari Krishan Chouhan was the Chief Guest of the occasion. CAHO Kishtwar educated the local Public of the areas about the schemes of the Department and the Veterinary services provided by the Department. The public was also apprised of the benefits of frozen semen technology for animal breeding (Artificial Insemination) which is the main highlight & important pillar of the Animal Husbandry Department. The Public was informed about the availability of frozen semen technology in the nearby Veterinary Centers for Artificial Insemination free of cost under NAIP (Nationwide Artificial Insemination Program).
To boost the local milk production of their animals, people from the Schedule Caste community were given free-of-cost medicines, mineral mixtures, calcium, supplements, and Dewormers in addition to vaccination and general treatment. They were also educated about different beneficial schemes of the Department like KCC, Livestock Insurance, etc. The people were asked to co-operate & get themselves, benefitted by various schemes of the Department.
Speaking on the occasion DDC Councilor Padder and other Public representatives of the area put forth the demand for establishing Yak Breeding Farm in Padder for preserving the local Yak Breed. Further, they thanked Dr. S.K Sen (CAHO Kishtwar) for organizing the Awareness cum Treatment Camp at Gulabgarh village and appreciated the efforts put forth by the Department in uplifting the socio-economic status of the public and further assured the Department that full co-operation shall be extended for achieving the benefits extended under different schemes by the Department & requested to conduct such camps in future as well.
Later, CAHO Kishtwar visited Veterinary Dispensary Massu and inspected the newly Constructed building recently taken over by the Department. CAHO Kishtwar took first-hand appraisal of the Departmental activities in the area and interacted with the Public and PRIS of Massu area.