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Qilla in Kishtwar

Qilla Kishtwar
To the south west of Kishtwar town is a hillock where a fort and palace existed during the rule of the Raja’s of Kishtwar. There are said to be built by Raja Kahan Paul. About this place, the European writer G.T. Vigne writes:-
‘The house of the town. After the Sikhs took possession of Kishtwar, it was used as a prison and the building in Shalimar, a favorite garden of old Rajas, situated in cool and well-shaded ravine on the east-ward of the town, was razed to the ground and all pains taken to remove any objects that are likely to cherish the recollection of the former dynasty. The fort was said to have two guns with a garrison of twenty men.
With the passage of time, the house and the fort at Kishtwar become non-existent excepting the throne. Made of stone, which stands there even today. The one piece seat of stone slab measuring 152x130cms. With a thickness of 15cms. stands on four stone pillar of greenish color 42cms. high.
As it is a heritage site, it needs be preserved, otherwise the slab too will get lost in due course of time. The two guns locally called ‘Tope’ have been preserved and installed within the premises of the office of the deputy Commissioner Kishtwar.
From ‘Qilla’ site a panoramic view of Kishtwar town, NHPC colony and Mandal along with tall mountains surrounding the valley of Kishtwar can be seen. The ‘Kishtwar Development Authority’ proposes to develop this place by laying a park and fountains there and connecting it with a road.

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