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Krishna Mehta
Kashmir 1947 – A Survivor’s Story
Jagat Ram Aryan Istghasa,  Kashmir Chalo,  Kashmir Mein hangama-E-Raishumari Kyun ?
Kashmir Mein Sazish,  Ye Hungamaye Khuda Kya,  Agro Botony of Saffron
Mohd Asser Wali    Tasveer Zila Doda in Urdu,  Focus on Jammu and Kashmir, Zilla Doda ki Adabi Shinakhat, Tareekh-i-Ishat-i-Islam, Farsh-e-Gul, Tareekh-i-Awlia-i-Jammu & Kashmir, Jamme-Subhik Kaeshir Kalamkar, Yaad-e-Nadeem, Safr-e-Harmain, Zikr-O-Fiqr, Jamis-Te-Kashir Manz Kashir Zabban-O-Adab (History & Criticism), Monograph of Nishat Kishtwari, Monograph on Janbaaz Kishtwari, Nishat Kishtwar (Monography)
Shiviji Kak Dhar   Tarikh-I-Kishtwar in Persian, Ahwal-e-Mulk-e-Kishtwar
Fidda Mohd Hussain   Cultural History of Kashmir and Kishtwar
Ghulam Mustfa Ishrat Tarikh-I-Kishtwar in Urdu,Tarik-e-Kishtwar
Hari Lal Jotshi Shri Sarthal Devi Darshanam in Hindi and Sanskrit
Ram Chandra Kak Anitiquities of Marev-Wardwan
(Prof.) Shiv Nirmohi Padder-Lok Aur Sanskriti, Kishtwar-Sanskriti aur Parampara
Ram Dhan  Assessment Report of Kishtwar Tehsil – 1914
Najam-ud-Din Syed Tarikhi-I-Kishtwar in Urdu
Duni Chand Sharma   History and Culture of Kishtwar, Glimpses of Kishtwar History, Tourist Attractions of Kishtwar, Tehreek-e-Kishtwar(Urdu), My Life Time Memories , GK Who’s Who 2017
Dwarka Dass Shastri  Milinda-Panho-Pali in Sanskrit With Hindi Translation
Mohan Lal Aash Cultural History of Doda
Kewal Krishan Sharma Kishtwar Bhashya –Sahitya aur Sanskriti, Dainik Chariya, Kishtwar Darpan, Fourth ‘R’ of Education, Duggar ka Samskritik Anchal, Roshani ki Kirna, Atma Hatya – Samsya aur Samadhan, Koun Yaad Karta Mujay.
Som Nath Sharma  Kishtwar- A Focus on its Tourism Potential
Lekh Raj Parihar
Naagwati, AakashVani, Teachers Today, Nirala’s Poems, Paaribag Geet Mala
Des Raj Bhagat Shri Jagat Ram Aryan – The Ambedkar of Jammu and Kashmir
Manisha Sharma  Kishtwar Ki Lok Kathayain
(Prof) Dr Jewan Dhar
 The Flow of Asikini (Kishtwar)

Late Shri Jagat Ram Aryan
Mr. Jagat Ram Aryan was a fantastic writer also. ‘Agro Botony of Saffron’ which is written in English, in co-authorship with his better half on the scientific aspects of the world’s costilest condiment. He has written atleast six books on different issues.

Late Smt. Krishna Mehta

Krishna Mehta (1913–93) was a direct descendant of Col Basti Ram who helped annex Ladakh and later became its governor. She was born in Kishtwar, a small, sleepy town in Kashmir on the banks of the Chandrabhaga (Chenab) river and married Duni Chand Mehta, a civil servant of Jammu and Kashmir and Wazir-e-Wazarat of Muzaffarabad. During the raid on Kashmir in October 1947, Duni Chand was shot dead while on duty and Krishna was taken prisoner along with her young children.

Late Smt. Krishna Mehta

She and her children eventually found their way to a refugee camp, and from there to Delhi. She so impressed Pandit Nehru with her sincerity of purpose that he felt impelled to call her his sister. With his help and support Krishna established the Gandhi Seva Sadan and Women’s Welfare Centers for the socio-economic development of the disadvantaged women of Kashmir. She nurtured both these institutions and they prospered rapidly. She was nominated to the Lok Sabha as the first woman MP from Kashmir. A disciple of Magan Baba, Krishna was also associated with Dr Dinshaw Mehta’s Society of Servants of God where she launched the Needs of Life Movement and secured government approval of Naturopathy as an alternative medical practice.

Very good writeups and research treaties have been in District Kishtwar. Many useful books have been published till now among which that of the Late Krishna Mehta top the list. She was not only the first Member of Parliment from Jammu and Kashmir state but her books in English make her also the first English writer in erstwhile Doda District.

Krishna Mehta travelled extensively, both in India and abroad, and brought into her work and writings the rich and varied experiences of her travels. She lived a rich and fulfilled life. When she passed away at the age of eighty, her ashes were immersed in the Chandrabhaga river at Kishtwar in accordance with her wishes.   Kashmir 1947 : A Survivor’s Story

Shri Som Nath Sharma

Sh. Som Nath Sharma
Sh. Som Nath Sharma

Shri Som Nath Sharma,  (M.A.B.ed) was born in Kishtwar in 1938 . When he was just 6-7 years old, his father and 2 brothers were killed in the riots. He did his schooling in very unfavorable conditions with no one to support him financially but somehow with little resources he managed his schooling and after that there was no stopping. He continued with his hard work , took part time tutions and did his B.Ed in 1961 and M.A(Hindi) in 1965…..Due to his good performance as a teacher he was deputed by the Education Department for undergoing Major Diploma course in English from “Regional Institute of English” in Chandigarh” . During his stint in Regional Institute Of English , he was awarded by the “British Council of India” for being a meritorious student of the institute. His career as a teacher has been Remarkable. From 1978 to 1982, he acted as ‘Resource Person’ in “District Institute of Education and training Kishtwar ” and organized a number of orientation courses for English teachers of Doda District. From 1982 to 1994 , he worked as Field officer in various capacities like Tehsil Education Officer, Zonal Education officer and as such toured the length and breadth of kishtwar district extensively. Besides literary pursuits undertaken by him, he is a devout social worker and is presently Member of the Managing Committee of Adarsh Balniketan High School Kishtwar, an old community school functioning in Kishtwar since 1960. His interests include writing , reading, social work, public speaking, yoga, gardening and listening to kashmiri and kishtwari poems and music . Three years back he wrote a book on “Tourism Potential in Kishtwar” which was appreciated n liked by everyone . He is an inspiration for the generations to come .

Shri Duni Chand Sharma

Duni Chand Sharma
Sh. Duni Chand Sharma

Duni Chand Sharma M. A., B.Ed., is a resident of village Behra Bhatta, Kishtwar.  D.C. Sharma retired as principal DIET Kishtwar on 31st March 1990. He graduated from Amar Singh Degree College Srinagar in 1953 after his early schooling in High school Kishtwar. He did his B.Ed. From J&K University in 1956 and M.A. in History from Punjab University Chandigarh in 1959. He entered Education Department as a teacher in 1953 and worked in different capacities till his retirement. He served as Senior Teacher, Head master High School, District Educational officer and Principal Higher secondary school and ultimately retired as principal District Institute of Education and Trainings. D C Sharma is a keen student of History. He has authored History and Culture of Kishtwar and Glimpses of Kishtwar which was published in 1995 and 2008 respectively. He is a man of virtues and is loved and respected widely as a renowned teacher, sincere officer and champion of social cohesion. D.C Sharma has been honored with a memento by SDM Kishtwar on the Independence day 2002, with a Shawal and a Certificate of Merit by Prof. Nirmohi Chief Organizer Jammu Itihas Avam Sanskriti Sangam on 6-11-2003, with a Shawal on the occasion of Vigilance Awareness week by Gen. manager NHPC Kishtwar on 11-05-2005 and with a memento and a Shawal by the Chief minister J&K on the occasion of Teachers Day on 5-9-2001 for his distinguished services rendered in the field of education.
Mr. Sharma is famous as a teacher and historian. He has retired from service now but is doing good literary work. He has also written some research articles.

Wali Mohammad Batt – Aseer Kishtwari

Wali Mohamad Batt - Aseer Kishtwari
Wali Mohamad Batt        “Aseer Kishtwari”

Wali Mohmad Aseer Kishtwari was born to Kh. Ghulam Qadir Batt Berwari at village Berwar on 2nd of August 1954 is a famous Historian, Author, Educationist, Writer & thinker. Wali Mohmad passed the Middle and Higher Secondary Elective examinations with good marks from Islamaia Faridia School, Kishtwar and M.L. Higher Secondary School Kishtwar. He passed his B.A. examination from Govt. Degree College, Bhaderwah in 1974. He did his MA in Urdu from University of Jammu and then he qualified KAS in the year 1977. He worked as teacher in Islamia Faridia High School, Kishtwar. On his professional performance and natural capability he was appointed on the important post of Distt. Treasury Officer Doda. He also functioned as Chief Accounts Officer, District Fund Office, Doda, from 1986 to 1985. After performing his duties nicely for about eleven years he was transferred to State Sports Council. He was soon shifted to Additional Treasury Talab Tillo, Jammu and then to Additional Treasury Old Sectt. Jammu. In April 1999 he was posted as Deputy Director Accounts and Treasuries Jammu. He had served as Director General of Accounts.

During his educational career Wali Mohmad Aseer took keen interest in participating in cultural programs, discussions, writing competitions and other cultural activities of schools and the College. By studying Urdu literature in depth, he developed interest in poetry and literature. The company of local organizations, writers, poets and artists sharpened his thinking and literary aptitude. Poetry was his hereditary right. Slowly he was attracted to prose writing, research and literary criticism.
The conducive literary atmosphere of Doda promoted him to compile the Kashmiri works of his illustrious father, which he published under the title Changi Reh (The flame of the lamp). Per chance Faridiya Bazm-e-Adab, Doda had been established on the insistence of Mohd. Ishaq Zargar. It has been christened with the venerable name of Hazrat Shah Farid-ud-Din Baghdadi. It was an important occasions of 1986. Mr. Aseer also regularly attended its various activities at district level. This organization started a series of holding poetic symposia and publications at local, state and national levels. Under this programmed memorable poetic symposia were held on National Integration at All India level, in far flung District Doda in 1986, 1987, 1988, and 1989, attended by eminent poets from the state and country. Along with other members of the Bazm, Mr. Aseer did not leave any stone unturned in making these poetic symposia a grand success. Despite uncongenial circumstances, the Door Darshan, Srinagar and Radio Kashmir Jammu and Srinagar, gave appropriate publicity to these poetic symposia.

He has published about a dozen books including Tasveer Zila Doda in Urdu,  Focus on Jammu and Kashmir, Zilla Doda ki Adabi Shinakhat, Tareekh-i-Ishat-i-Islam, Farsh-e-Gul, Tareekh-i-Awlia-i-Jammu & Kashmir, Jamme-Subhik Kaeshir Kalamkar, Yaad-e-Nadeem, Safr-e-Harmain, Zikr-O-Fiqr, Jamis-Te-Kashir Manz Kashir Zabban-O-Adab (History & Criticism), Monograph of Nishat Kishtwari, Monograph on Janbaaz Kishtwari, Nishat Kishtwar (Monography).
Beside this he wrote so many articles, reviewed different type of books, wrote foreword in Kashmiri, Urdu and English languages.

He is the President of Jammu and Kashmir Urdu Forum, General Secretary, Rasa-Javadani Memorial Literary Society Jammu, Press and Finance Secretary, Koushur Markazi-Adabi forum Jammu, Founder Member of Challant Cultural Forum Kishtwar and Faridia Bazam-e-Adab, Doda.
Forum Jammu and founder member of Challant Cultural Forum Kishtwar and Faridia Bazam-e-Adab Doda. He has been honoured with Gandhi Peace Award in 2000 by Smt. Nirmala Desh Pandey of Rachanatmak Samaj, Rasa Javidani Literary Award, Vitasta Award of Nagrad Adabi Sangam Jammu.

Jenab Wali Muhammad Bhat “Asser Kishtwar” received the Rashtriya Gaurav Award at a function at New Delhi by India International Friendship Society, for his meritorious services. The award was presented to him by Dr. Bishma Naraian Singh, former Union Minister and Governor. He has received Gandhi Peace Award, Rasa Javedani Literary Award, Vitasta Award, Urdu Award and Best Book Award of J&K Academy of Art, Culture and Languages for the year 2015.
Award of J&K Urdu Forum Jammu, Urdu Award of M.A. Urdu (Professional) Jammu University, Best Book Award (English) 2006 by J&K Academy of Art, Culture and Languages. The Best Citizens of India Award 2010 by International Publishing House New Delhi and J&K State Award 2011 for excellence in the field of Literature on the eve of Republic Day.

Apart from these awards he has received several mementos and appreciation certifications.

Shri Lekh Raj Nirala

Lekh Raj Parihar “Niralla” BSC, MA in English, M.Ed, son of Late Thakur Sahib Ram Parihar. The composer writer, basically hails from village Sonabhati of Palmar, presently residing at Matta Kishtwar.

He did his BSC  from GGM Science College Jammu in 1971-72. He qualified additional English Literature degree in 1974, later, he did his MA in English and M.Ed from Jammu University. He joined education department a science teacher in 1974 and worked mostly in far flung areas like Ramsu(Banihal), Machail (Paddar), Marwah, Thakraie (Inderwal), and  Leh(ladakh) in different capacities. He worked as sc master, I/c Headmaster and Lecturer in English. He took part in several orientation courses in DIET Kishtwar and SIE Jammu during vacations. He also acted as resource person on several occasions during winter vacations.

He served as president Graduate & Post graduate teachers forum for over one decade. He also served as “Parmukh” Sant Nirankari Mission Kishtwar from 2000 to 2003.  After his retirement as English Lecturer in 2009 , he served in “Islamia Faridiya College of Education” till 2016. He is now working as chairman “Vishwashanti (NGO)”. He got yoga teacher training from Baba Swami Ramdev ji Maharaj in Jan 2010 and now he is serving as Yoga teacher in rural Kishwtar. He is also district President of Bharat Swabhiman (trust) unit Kishtwar. He worked as Rural Director Dramatic Clubs for  general awakening of the people living in rural area. He also served as Secretary “Kishtwari Sahitya Sangam”  for about four years. Presently, he is vice president of Kishtwari Sahitya Kala Sangam Kishtwar and also vice president of Anjumen Tariqi–e-Adab Kishtwar.

He is a social activist. He believes in non- dualism and humanism.  He is always against all false rituals predominant in the society. He received his poetic inspiration from his mother. He is active participant of Mushairas conducted by cultural academy at district and state level and he also takes part in radio program and literary pursuits.

He has written two Novels “Naagwati” and “Aakashwani” in urdu. One booklet entitles ‘Teacher Today’ has already been published . Two more book’s entitled “Nirala’s Poem” in English and “Paribaag Geet Mala” in kishtwari have been published also.

Shri Kewal Krishan Sharma

Kewal Krishan SharmaKewal Krishan Sharma, MA, B.Ed, English literature,  son of Lt Sh Shiv Nath Sharma, born  on 5 Oct, 1944 at Shakti Nagar , Kishtwar.  He is a renowned poet and writer from Kishtwar district. He passed his Masters Degree in ……… from Jammu University. He joined his service in education department as a teacher & got retirement as Principal of Govt Girls Higher Sec. School, Kishtwar. He managed the leveling of an uneven & rough piece of land measuring about 2 Kanals for the school playfield with his resourcefulness, which was highly appreciated by the then Director of School Education, Jammu. He is a eminent moralist & a veteran educationist known for his sweet tongue, noble behavior & sincerity to the core of his heart. He has been delivering impressive lectures to the students of the schools on ethical & moral education even after his retirement. Some of his sincere endeavors have already been highlighted by popular regional & National Newspaper like “Punjab Kesari” and “Amar Ujala”.

In the field of literature he has authored several books both in Hindi & English. Few of them are : Kishtwar Darpan, Kishtwar Bhasha –Sahitya aur Sanskriti, Aatm Hatya – Samsya aur Samdhan, Roshani Ki Kiran, Duggar ka Sanskritk Aanchal etc. Some of his write-ups have been published  in leading dailies like, ” Daily Excelsior”, “State Times” and “Dainik Jagran”. Some of the articles have published in Sheeraza, a popular magazine published by JK Academy of Art, Culture & Languages. Apart from writing he has  also delivered a talk in “Radio Kashmir Jammu” & “Doordarshan Kendra Jammu”.

He is the president and founding member of “Kishtwari Sahitya Kala Sangam“, a literary socio culture non-political organization that organizes “Kavi-Samalan” (Mushiaras) etc.

In recognition to his service & credible contribution to the society as an outstanding educationist, thinker, moralist & environmentalist he has been felicitated and honored by Prestigious National Award 2014 by MHRD New Delhi. He has received so many other awards for his contribution.


Shri Des Raj Bhagat

Des Raj BhagatMr D. R. Bhagat is the son of Late Sudama Bhagat of village Matta, tehsil and district Kishtwar. he was born on 26th aug, 1946, in a poor Dalit family. mr bhagat had his school education in govt. higher secondary school kishtwar and doda (1951-63). he passed B.Sc. Agriculture degree from Govt. Agri. College R.S.Pura, hnder J&K University in 1968 and later joined his services in Agriculture department. He obtained M.Sc Agri. degree from PAU Ludhiana in 1976 as an in-service student on govt. deputation. although an umpteen number of technical bulletins and project reports emanated from his pen during his official service, yet in the field of socio-political writing, mr jagat ram aryan’s Biography is his maiden attempt as a writer. Mr Des Raj Bhagat proposes to write a book on Kishtwari poets and their poetic pursuits in Kishtwari dilect with the translation of their respective poems in english so that the rich culture of Kishtwar can be projected to the outside world.



Smt. Manisha Sharma “MANU”

Manisha Sharma Kishtwar
Manisha Sharma

Manisha Sharma ( Manu) D/O Sh. Ram Sewak Sharma of Bera Bhata Kishtwar. Manisha did her schooling from BVM High School Kishtwar. Manisha is very talented girl. She is the first Lady journalist from Kishtwar. She had started journalism career from Dainik Jagran in year 2005. She had also worked  in Punjab Kesari as Reporter/Writer. Manisha, is also a renowned poet of Kishtwar district , she had written many poems in various magazines like Trikuta Lalkar, Sarvhit Sandesh, Bal Ravi Samarika etc. and also in News Papers like  (Dainik Jagran, Punjab Kesari). Some of her poems are Bundain, Nanhi Beti, Main Zindgi, Kaisa Ye Maan Hai, Agar Hoti Manzil Asan, Rakht Ranjit Dhara etc. She is a professional writer, she has written many articles on different Social issues. Manisha has written a book namely “Kishtwar Ki Lok Kathayain”.  She is now working with “Dainik Sawera” and News Channel “Today 24”.

Connect with her : Manisha Manu



Dr. Jewan Dhar

Jeewan DharProf (Dr) Jewan Dhar seeks his primary education in his native village Dachhan and graduated from GDC Udhampur. He obtained Master and Doctorate Degrees in Political Science from University of Jammu. At University of Jammu he was elected as President of the ABVP and lingered front-runner for highlighting and solving the problems of student community. Having social bent of mind, he has recently founded Smt.  Premi Devi Dhar Literary Society after the name of his beloved mother at  native village village for encouraging  poor and meritorious students. He has served in the capacity of Asstt. Professor in Higher Education Department in different colleges and has successfully guided several M.Phill Scholars of the National University. Presently he is serving as   Nodal Officer/ Principal Government Modal Degree College Marwah, situated at the remotest corner.

Connect with him : Prof Jeewan Dhar

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