Kishtwar Idol Audition at Paddar: Talented Singers Showcase the Melody of Paddar

Kishtwar Idol Audition at Paddar: Talented Singers Showcase the Melody of Paddar's Samridhi Sen,the Ambassador Kishtwar Idol joined the audition Bandwagon at Paddar Paddar, [07-02-2023] The Kishtwar Idol Audition at Paddar witnessed a large number of talented singers who participated with great enthusiasm. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The event

Kishtwar Idol Season 1 auditions begin at Kishtwar

Kishtwar Idol Season 1 auditions begin at Kishtwar DC Kishtwar flagged off the Kishtwar Idol Express First Day witnesses long queues of Local Singers in two categories at GHSS Boys Kishtwar Kishtwar, 03-04-2023 The auditions for first season of the Kishtwar Idol was today formally launched by Deputy Commisioner Kishtwar Dr. Devansh Yadav (IAS)