With the arrival of the great Sofi Saint, Shah Farid-ud-Din of Baghdad along with his four disciples Darvesh Mohd. Yaar Mohd, Syed Baha-ud-din and Shah Abdal in Kishtwar during the rule of Raja Jai Singh, Islam spread far and wide in Doda region, Dudu Basant Garh, mahore, Gulabgarh and Chennai of Udhampur District. Shah Farid-ud-Din was the descendent of the saintly family of Syed Abdul Qadir of Baghdad and reached Delhi, along with his wife Zahida Bibi. Mughal Emperor, Shah Jahan treated him as a state guest and made him stay at Delhi and Agra for sometime before he started journey for Kishtwar and Doda. As per the orders of the emperor, Hafiz Abdul Qasim accompanied Shah Sahib from Delhi to facilitate his journey. He, along with Shah Sahib, made Kishtwar his permanent home and acted as tutor to Shah Akhyar-ud-Din. The high spiritual status of Shah Farid-ud-Din and the miracles done by him impressed everyone coming into his contact. Regarding his spiritual powers, it is said that he along with his disciples crossed the river Chenab at Bhandarkot on a sheet, when guards of Raja Jai Singh had closed the bridges at Kuriya and Bhandarkot refusing entry to the saint and his party.
At Kishtwar he, first, stayed at Drangwaji near Neelkanth Mahadev temple and soon the news of the arrival of this divinely personality spread far and wide. People started thronging this place to take his blessings. Raja Jai Singh, first, acted arrogantly but when his bed was overturned during sleep and the Faqir appeared in his dream, he got frightened and forced to go to the ‘Faqir’ the next morning. Under his influence, the Raja converted to slam assuming the name ‘Bakhtiar Khan’. The Raja got a house constructed for the saint near his palace and conversion of people to Islam got a fillip not only in Kishtwar but far and wide.
Durbar-E-Faridia Kishtwar

One distinctive aspect of Shah Sahib’s personality was that in his company deliberations would go on good conduct, piety, God-realization and human brotherhood with no criticism of other faiths. For the seekers of divine knowledge, the Durbaar’s of Shah Farid-ud-Din and Shah Asra-ud-Din are a source of inspiration, divine bounties and a treasure house of God’s favours.

He was eighteen then. So his ‘URS’ is celebrated on 25th Kartik every year with great devotion and fanfare. After his death, he was taken to Chowgan for Namaz-e-Jinaza and burial on reaching the upper end of the Chowgan, his dead body became too heavy to lift. So, under the orders of his father, he was laid to rest there. A grand tomb was erected on his grave. Thousands of devotees visit the shrine for seeking blessings of this great saint and especially on the day of ‘URS’ the mammoth gathering speaks of the devotion of his followers.
bro can you please tell me that sarthal mata and malh mata are same. Few people has told us that malh mata and sarthal mata are same. they share two names some call them malh mata and some call them sarthal mata. so can you please tell me that is this write or wrong. And if malh mata’s temple is different then please tell me the location of it or guide me by sending road root on my mail id : aditya_pathania01@yahoo.co.in
Malh mata is our kull devi so that is why are serching for her temple.
bro hoping that you will help us in this matter.
thanking you
Aditya Pathania