Who cares for poors , Why representatives of Kishtwar district are in deep slumber ?
“Kishtwar” , A famous township in chenab valley having its own status and representation in state remain neglected from Independent India . Having hub of tourism and natural beauties in which SinthanTop and Devigol is among of them . Beside natural beauties , Chenab river flowing from same district toward capital city and over which various Hydro Electric Power Projects has been constructed . I came to know that a mass leader and Prime Minister of India Ms Indra Gandhi visited Kishtwar and laid foundation stone of Dul Hasti Power Project in 19th century .
From the day many ups and downs came in Kishtwar as this township remain highly sensitive during militancy period . On the same case this township was once again under the pressure of terrorist and this beautiful valley changes from tourism to terrorism during past few decades . As the past happening is unknown to me but a little bit information received from my ancestors that in the valley of Kishtwar , A famous religious and spiritual figure Shah Farid ud Din Bagdadi came from Bagdad and settled here and later was buried in Kishtwar for which Kishtwar valley became most famous region in Jammu and Kashmir state.
Having such figures in Kishtwar , This township remain neglected from political party and politicians from last few years .
Having status of district and two Assembly seats , this township became prey of politicians .
Talking a look on present representatives of Kishtwar district , Ruling Bhartiya Janta Party and People’s Democratic Party having its two Ministers in collation government including Mr Bali Bhagat who is having protocol of Health Ministry from BJP side and Mr Sunil Sharma having protocol of various departments including Public Work Department , Roads and Buildings in present collation government headed by Chief Minister Ms Mehbooba Mufti .
I would like to ask from Cabinet Minister Mr Bali Bhagat and MoS Sunil Sharma that why Kishtwar road is in worse condition and who is responsible for said cause ? As the both politicians are BJP among one contested Member of Legislative Assembly from Raipur Domana and other from Kishtwar Assembly constituency.
In this same colation government present Member of Legislative Council Mr Firdous Tak , who contested Member of Legislative Assembly in 2014 from Kishtwar Assembly constituency that was later appointed as Member of Legislative Council .
I would like to ask MLC Firdous Tak that why Kishtwar is not having better road connectivity and who is responsible for loss of lives in tragic accidents ? Beside the representatives from ruling party , Mass leader from Kishtwar and National Conference present Member of Legislative Council Mr Sajjad Ahmed Kichloo who became two times MLA till 2014 and was having protocol of Cabniet Minister in the resigm headed by Former Chief Minister Mr Omar Obdullah and during said resigm Kishtwar town came under the attack of communal violence that was later investigated by Commissions during tenure of Sajjad Kichloo and NC Congress regime .
Sajjad Kichloo who contested third time Member of Legislative Assembly election in 2014 and lost the seat as He was later appointed Member of Legislative Council by party high command .
I would like to ask MLC Sajjad Kichloo , that you became two times MLA and one time Cabinet Minister and presently having protocol of MLC that Why Kishtwar township didn’t get better road connectivity and who is responsible for tragic accidents happening in daily routine ?
Beside these G M Saroori who became third time Member of Legislative Assembly from Inderwal constituency in Kishtwar district from Congress party and was Cabniet Minister in colation government during PDP Congress and NC Congress resigm and was having protocol of various departments including Public Work Department , Roads and Buildings . G M Saroori who is mass leader in congress party and having presently post of Jammu and Kashmir Pardesh Congress Committee Vice President in state .
I would like to ask MLA Inderwal that you became third time Legislature as you hails from same district , Why Kishtwar township roads are in shambles and who is responsible for tragic accidents happening in daily routine ?
Beside these representatives various other politicians who contested Member of Legislative Assembly from Inderwal and Kishtwar constituencies hails from same region didn’t looks back after their election results .
I would like to ask from all contested Legislatures that why Kishtwar township road is in worse condition and who is responsible for same ?
Beside all these various District Presidents of different political parties hails from same region and are working for their parties to strengthen them on ground .
I would like to ask them that Why Kishtwar district road is in worse condition and who is responsible for said cause ? .
Beside all these representatives and leaders from Kishtwar , Why no one came forward and demanded “Better road for Kishtwar and its adjoining areas “.
Having hub of such mass leaders in Kishtwar district , Opinioning the fact I think that all these are busy for their own publicity and are playing with lives of many people of said region resulting someone to became widow, orphan and breaking the stick of old parents .
On the same road that is known as Batote Kishtwar Highway having 110 km in length , I was shocked when I heard a news of landslide at Drabshalla that had killed and injured the passengers who were crossing the other side of road by foot . In this incident a three month old baby died that was ray of hope of their parents increases my shock .
After this tragic incident happened on Batote Kishtwar Highway near Drabshalla I see so many condolence messages and griefs of all politicians from Kishtwar district with the bereaved families and demanded ex-gratia relief .
I would like to ask all these leaders , who for their vote bank and publicity are circulating such messages on social networking sites and on print and electronic media for their own gain .
If these are are having any interest with poor then they had to construct “Better Road” in whole district and they had reach out the cause of such tragic incidents . Not only landslide killed lives at drabshalla as such incidents happened in past that had done so. I am not against any political party or any politicians , But I am against those who are not having “Humanity” and are be-fooling poors for their own publicity .
By this write up I ask a question under “Article 19 of Indian Constitution” from Prime Minister of India Shri Narender Modi and Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir Ms Mehbooba Mufti that Who cares for poor and Why representatives are in deep slumber ?
For the answer of above said questions poor and downtrodden masses of Kishtwar district are waiting , Shall they get answer or not it is yet to mention .
Author: Raja Shafqat Sheikh
State Secretary All India Reporter’s Association Jammu and Kashmir / Member of JK Against Corruption
WhatsApp 09419974577, 09018920786
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