DDC Kishtwar reviews the preparedness for uninterrupted water supply in the ensuing Summer Season
Stressed to strengthen the existing Water Distribution System and repair the hand pumps in the town and rural areas within this month
Kishtwar April 11
With an aim to provide an uninterrupted drinking water Supply in the district in the upcomming summer season and to avoid the water crisis in the district,District Development commissioner Kishtwar Ashok Sharma today chaired preparedness meeting of the concern officers and technical staff of the Jal Shakti department Kishtwar here in his office chamber and made a number of delibrations on the occasion.
The meeting was attended by Joint Director Planning Mohd Iqbal, XEn PHE Anil Kailu, JEs, AEs besides other concerned officers.
At the outset, DDC Kishtwar took stock of the available water supply in the town and its peripheral areas besides reviewed the progress on various Water Supply schemes in the district.
He was informed that at present the district is having 18 Lakh gallons of water available as against the 22 lakh gallons required by the population in the town and its adjoining areas thereby facing 20% shortfall of requirement.
The DDC kishtwar stressed the Concerned officers to strengthen the existing Water Supply Distribution system/Infrastructure by reducing the wastage/leakages besides to augment the supply by completing the ongoing projects/water supply schemes so that said 20% shortfall can be overcomed.
He further directed the Jal Shakti department to put in place all the necessary arrangements like Water Tanker supply facility and repairment of dead Hand pumps in the district on immediate basis so that water crisis in the upcomming summer season can be avoid.
The DDC directed the XEn Ground water to ensure that the identified dead or non-functional hand pumps are repaired and made functional ahead of upcomming summer season ie within a month so that adequate and uninterrupted water supply is ensured for the people.
The District Development Commissioner Kishtwar also threw light on various issues and bottlenecks faced in the rational distribution of the water supply in the district particularly focusing on the town and its a joining areas which are highly and densely habitated by non locals and migrated population.
XEn PHE was asked to carry out the mapping of vulnerable and critical areas facing water supply shortage so that a comprehensive Action plan can be chalked out to deal with the shortage of water in these areas during summer season in particular.
The District Development Commissioner Kishtwar further stressed upon the weeding out of the illegal water connections,double connections,unregistered water connection,besides reduce the leakages which is hampering in the judicious and rational distribution of available water supply in various areas particularly in township of Kishtwar.
During the meeting, the chair also reviewed in detailed the progress on the various Water Supply Scheme that are in the pipeline under the Jal Jivan Mission in the district.
The District Development Commissioner Kishtwar directed the concerned officers to expedite the pace of work on the projects so that they are completed in time bound manner, besides asked to make fool proof action plan under JJM and take PRIs on board to avoid the duplicacy of the PRI plan and Jal Jivan Mission.
In the meeting, Xen PHE was also directed to reshuffle and rationalize the field functionaries and other staff members to make the functioning of Department efficient and effective besides clear cut directions were given to remove the discrepancies which are creating impediments in the proper functioning of the department.
He directed the XEn PHE to take strict action against employees creating hurdles in the effective distribution system and not performing their duties honestly.
PHE department was also ask to establish 24*7 call centre and notify the contact numbers in the public domain for grievance redressal in summer season.
While taking review of the revenue generated, DDC Kishtwar was also informed in the meeting that during the financial year 2021-22 the department of Jal Shakti Kishtwar has been able to generate a revenue of 1.34 crores , which is 13 lakhs more than the revenue collected in the previous year 2020-21.