Navratri Importance: जानें नवरात्रि का महत्व और नौ रूपों की शक्तियों बारे में

About Navratri The Indian festival of Navratri has been derived from two words—"Nav" + "Ratri", which means "nine nights" in English. This festival is prevalent throughout India, but it is more prominent in the state of Gujarat and Bengal. Hindus celebrate this festival to express their devotion to the goddess of

चैत्र नवरात्रि 2025 तिथि: 30 मार्च से शुरू होंगे, देखें पूरा कैलेंडर और घटस्थापना का मुहूर्त


चैत्र नवरात्रि 2025 तिथि: 30 मार्च से शुरू होंगे, देखें पूरा कैलेंडर और घटस्थापना का मुहूर्त चैत्र नवरात्रि 2025: चैत्र मास के शुक्ल पक्ष की प्रतिपदा तिथि 29 मार्च को शाम 04:27 बजे से लेकर 30 मार्च को दोपहर 12:49 बजे तक रहने वाली है। उदया तिथि के अनुसार, शुभ चैत्र

Chaitra Navratri 2025 Date: Start Date is March 30th, View Complete Calendar and Ghatasthapana Muhurat


Chaitra Navratri 2025 Date: Start Date is March 30th, View Complete Calendar and Ghatasthapana Muhurat Chaitra Navratri 2025: The Pratipada Tithi of Shukla Paksha in the Chaitra month begins on March 29th at 04:27 PM and extends until March 30th at 12:49 PM. According to Udaya Tithi, the auspicious Chaitra Navratri

Shardiya Navratri 2024 : जानिए कब से प्रारंभ हो रही है शारदीय नवरात्रि, किस तारीख को है कलश स्थापना?

shardiya navratri 2024

Shardiya Navratri 2024: हिंदू धर्म में चार नवरात्रि मनाई जाती है, जिसमें से दो गुप्त नवरात्रि होती है। बाकी की दो चैत्र और आश्विन माह में मनाई जाती है। आश्विन माह में आने वाली नवरात्रि को शारदीय नवरात्रि कहा जाता है। इसकी शुरूआत हर साल आश्विन माह के शुक्ल पक्ष

How to Register Online & Offline for Shri Machail Mata Yatra

Machail Mata yatra registration process

How to Register Online & Offline for Shri Machail Mata Yatra ? Shri Machail Mata Yatra: A Sacred Journey in Kishtwar, Jammu & Kashmir The Shri Machail Mata Yatra is a revered pilgrimage that draws thousands of devotees to the holy shrine of Machail Mata in Kishtwar, Jammu & Kashmir. This annual

Machail Mata Yatra Witnesses Exponential Growth in Turnover and Popularity this Year,Breaking Past Records

Pilgrimage to Machail Mata

1.94 Lakh Pilgrims Flock to the Sacred Journey of Shree Machail Mata Yatra 2023_A Triumph of Faith and Management Excellence Kishtwar, 04-09-2023 In a remarkable display of devotion and spiritual zeal, the Annual Shri Machail Mata Yatra 2023 has witnessed an astonishing turnout of 1 Lakh 94 Thousand,nearing to the 2 lakh

Machail Yatra Schedule 2023


Machail Yatra Schedule 2023 The annual Machail pilgrimage to the shrine of Maa Chandi would commence from July 25  to 5th September and the holy mace of the Goddess will reach the shrine at Machail on August 22.  The sacred shrine of Mata Chandi, commonly known as Machail Mata is located

DC Kishtwar chairs meeting regarding Shree Machail Mata Ji Yatra

DC Kishtwar chairs meeting regarding Shree Machail Mata Ji Yatra Discusses the developmental activities;stressed to develop the quality facilities for the premier experience to the Yatries Kishtwar, 03-03-2023 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); With an aim to develop the quality facilities in Machail area regarding the Shree Machail Mata

DDC kishtwar visited Paddar to take appraisal of arrangements ahead of Annual Shri Machail Mata Yatra

DDC kishtwar visited Paddar to take appraisal of arrangements ahead of Annual Shri Machail Mata Yatra Also interacted with local PRIs and listened their grievances Kishtwar 26 June 2022. District Development Commissioner (DDC) Kishtwar Ashok Sharma today visited the block Paddar of district Kishtwar to take first hand appraisal of the arrangements put

DDC Kishtwar reviews arrangements for annual Shri Machail Mata Yatra 2022

DDC Kishtwar reviews arrangements for annual Shri Machail Mata Yatra 2022 _Directs to ensure all facilities put in place well before pilgrimage begins_ Kishtwar 24 June 2022. District Development Commissioner (DDC) Kishtwar Ashok Sharma today chaired a meeting of concerned district and sectoral officers here at conference Hall DC office complex Kishtwar to

Online Registration of Amarnath Yatris commencing on 15th April 2021

Shri Amarnathji Yatra-2021 Online Registration of Yatris commencing on 15th April 2021   The online registration of pilgrims for Shri Amarnathji Yatra 2021 is going to commence on 15th April 2021, for both the Baltal and Chandanwari routes. This year’s 56 day Yatra shall commence simultaneously on both the routes from 28th June

हिन्दू नववर्ष और चैत्र नवरात्रि 2021: कब से शुरू हो रहा है, जानें क्या होता है इसका महत्व

हिन्दू नववर्ष यानी नव-संवत्सर 2078 की शुरुआत 13 अप्रैल 2021 से होगी। हिंदू पंचांग के अनुसार, यह चैत्र मास के शुक्ल पक्ष की प्रतिपदा तिथि होती है। इसी दिन से नवरात्रि की शुरुआत भी होती है। नव-संवत्सर शुरू होने के साथ ही सभी शुभ कार्य फर से शुरू हो जाते

Holy Shesh Naag at Tatta Pani

Tatta Pani temple

Tatapani, translated from Hindi as "hot water," holy hot springs.  Like most holy hot springs in India, they come with a story: Seven thousand years ago, during the times of the Mahabharata the elder brother of Krishna, Balram came to the valley in the form of a sadhu wanderer named Sheshnag. 

सरथल माता का मंदिर – किश्तवाड के सांस्कृतिक जीवन का सबसे बडा केंद्र है यह तीर्थस्थल

किश्तवाड के सांस्कृतिक जीवन का सबसे बडा केंद्र है यह तीर्थस्थल। लेखिका : मनीषा मनू (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});    जिला किश्तवाड के लोगों की इष्ट देवी व सदियों से किश्तवाड के इतिहास की साक्षी रही अष्टादशभुजा देवी सरथल माता के मंदिर में नवरात्रों के चलते श्रद्धालुओं

Sculptures of Maa Kaali at Bhatan, Nagseni

sculptures of Maa Kali at Nagseni

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Some sculptures at Bhatan Nagseni seems  that of Kaali with garland of skulls & Chand Mund in right hand . May be due to influence of Buddhism in Nagseni area this mural of Maa Kaali at Bhaatan village also remained abandoned

Trip to Sapphire Valley of India (Paddar Kishtwar)


 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Kishtwar - Credits : Abhilash Sharma "The Himalayan pilgrimages are the oldest organized travel system, evolved over time by Hindu sages and embodying the spirit of wander, adventure and spirituality". One of the holy trinity, Maa Chandi is a living goddess. Machail

Gurudwara Sahib Singh Sabha Kishtwar

Gurudwara Sahib Singh Sabha Kishtwar   Guru Nanak Sahib stayed at the garden of sidhas known as ‘Sidhian di Bagichi’ and had discourses with sidhas. Guru Sahib also visited earlier Bhaderwa and Jammu city. Bhaderwah and Kishtwar Gurdwaras were constructed later on by Bhai Sahib Sher Singh (M.Sc.) Kashmir.   For more information