Biometric Attendance Updated Software for Jammu & Kashmir

Biometric Attendance Software for Jammu & Kashmir

STARTEK RD Service Download Windows Certified RD service (STARTEK FM220U) Windows support tools (STARTEK FM220U) MFS100, MFS100V54 & MIS100V2 RD Service (Aadhaar auth API 2.5 and E-Kyc API 2.5 compliance), MFS100 & MIS100V2 Driver and MFS100 Client service (Non-Aadhaar Application) setup including pre-requisites and test application.   WINDOWS Download MFS100 RD

Kishtwar District at a Glance – 2016/2017

DC Office Kishtwar in winters

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); HISTORY The erstwhile Kishtwar state was usurped by maharaja Gulab Singh the dogra ruler of Jammu, in the year 1821 A.D. and downgraded it to the status of a province under a governor . in 1875 A.D. Maharaja Ranbir Singh further downgraded

Kishtwar Population Census 2011

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Kishtwar is a Municipal Committee city in district of Kishtwar, Jammu and Kashmir. The Kishtwar city is divided into 13 wards for which elections are held every 5 years. The Kishtwar Municipal Committee has population of 14,865 of which 8,179 are